Jackpot Capital's Gamers enjoy Many Games and Promotions

Why Does Jackpot Capital Offer a Welcome Bonus?

Welcome bonuses, including the Jackpot Capital welcome bonus, are the classic way online casinos attract new gamers.   In short, online casinos such as Jackpot Capital online casino offer a big welcome bonus because we can!  We can afford to offer new gamers some free money because we can accommodate a lot more gamers at any given moment than even the biggest land based casino can accommodate.

The result is that we can offer not just the welcome bonus but many other bonuses as well.  Out promotions are all basically a function of free spins, deposit bonuses, and comp points.

Jackpot Capital Offers a Promotion Almost Every Day

Take a look at the Jackpot Capital casino promotions page!  It shows that in addition to the big welcome bonus, we have many other excellent ways gamers can increase their account!   The idea behind using the casino’s own money to play is a simple one: online casino gaming is supposed to be fun above all else and what better fun is there than playing with the casino’s own money?

On the other hand, land based casinos sell thrills and excitement on the casino floor plus in and around the casino.  A land based casino that wishes to have near 100% capacity as much as possible has to present itself as an entertainment center.

There is nothing inherently wrong with being an entertainment center but part of that entertainment is excessive playing in the casino.  At Jackpot Capital, we never encourage excessive gaming.  In fact, we encourage the exact opposite: relatively short gaming sessions to relax, unwind, calm down, and have fun. We also encourage all gamers to be aware of the requirements of responsible gaming.  Responsible gaming includes:

  1. Setting a time budget or limit on sessions.
  2. Setting a financial limit or budget per session or even per bet.
  3. Staying aware of oneself at all times in order to catch any digression from the above-mentioned limits and budgets.
  4. Playing a wide variety of games as opposed to the land based casino experience where a lot of players play only a few (if that many) games and hoard terminals.
  5. Staying away from alcohol while gaming.
  6. Stopping a session when you are hungry or tired.

Let’s take a closer look at these points.

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Responsible Gaming Can be Seen as a Catch-all Term

To play casino games responsibly means to set budgets, to avoid alcohol, to play only when well rested and not hungry.  One gamer’s budget may be too high for another gamer or it might be lower than a different gamer can afford.  Setting budgets for each session frees gamers to pursue other interests, to get together with family and friends, or to invest time on a work project.

Land based casinos cannot encourage any of these things!  Since you may be at the casino alone, you won’t even think about getting together with family and friends.  You might be at the casino with friends but they are also on the casino floor gambling so it is usually difficult to set a time for drinks at the bar or a meal at a local restaurant.

Since land based casinos encourage gamers to come for a few days such as a long weekend, they know that there will be no time limits set on gaming and probably no financial limits set either.  Although land based casinos talk the talk about responsible gaming, the very structure of a land based casino trip belies the notion of responsible gaming almost entirely!

Thus, land-based casinos encourage alcohol consumption while playing to the extent that they offer free drinks!  Land based casinos have no windows so players think that it is much earlier than it really is.  Even if a player feels tired, they will often say to themselves that they are not really tired since with the lights in the casino shining as brightly as they do, many gamers think that it is still daytime even though the sun set long before!

Why is Playing a Wide Variety of Games a Sign of Responsible Gaming?

The cliché is that variety is the spice of life. We need a wide range of interests and activities to have a well-rounded life.  At Jackpot Capital, we recognize that online casino gaming is just one element in a well-rounded life experience.

In theory, a person could go to a land-based casino for a long weekend without giving up the well-rounded life they lead.  In reality, the days spent at a land based casino can have a deleterious effect on them even when they return.

Having lost the sense of fun inherent in casino gaming within time and monetary budgets, a player might become an excessive gambler, playing for much too long and betting much too much on a spin or a hand.

We said that one of the points about setting time and monetary limits included both for every session and also for every bet.  At land based casinos, many players who want to play blackjack find that the minimum bet is higher than they want to bet but they play anyway.

At Jackpot Capital, we offer about 300 games.  In short gaming sessions, a gamer might play a few different games, let’s say five games.  So, it could take 60 gaming sessions to play all of the games we have on offer.  Let’s say that the same applies to a land based casino.  It would take 60 trips to the casino to play all of the games there!

At Jackpot Capital, 60 sessions at two sessions per week will take 30 weeks.  During those 30 weeks, gamers might look forward to playing another set of five different games.  We feel that a lot of gamers “discover” games that they like just by being flexible enough to sample every game have on offer.

On the other hand, 60 sessions at a land based casino figuring two sessions per year means that it would take 30 years to complete the first circuit of all the casino’s games!  As a result of this simple arithmetic, games at Jackpot Capital play a very wide range of games while players at a land based casino generally play a very narrow range of games.

The Welcome Bonus Sets the Tone

We offer a sizable welcome bonus and many other promotions as a way to encourage gamers to join our “family”.  Gamers who have joined Jackpot Capital invariably say that we offer a great online casino gaming experience.


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