Jackpot Capital Hits the Jackpot Helping Gamers Learn Sound Money Management

How to Make Sound Money Management Sing for You

People who play casino games online at jackpot casinos know that they need to follow the principles of sound money management.  But money management is so droll and dull!  Still, everyone uses money management values in everyday life all the time so there is really no reason not to apply these values to online casino gaming at Jackpot Capital Casino.

Our goal is to make this subject sing!  If we succeed, you will have a lot more fun gaming at Jackpot Capital and you will be a happy, satisfied gamer!

How Much is that Doggy in the Window?

That was the title of a popular song from ancient history aka the 1950s!  Here is sound money management put to a catchy tune!  The dog is no ordinary dog—it’s a doggy!  And it’s in the window for anyone to come in and buy it.

But how much is that doggy in the window?

We ask how much something is all the time!

Make it a Habit

There are good habits and bad habits.  We can turn the principles of good money management into a good habit!  In fact, we can even state this idea as a formula: Sound money management = more fun at play.

More fun at play puts people in a state of confidence that they are doing something reasonable and okay!

What Do you Spend Money On?

We can divide this one long list into a few shorter lists.  First, we have a list that we can sing The Bare Necessities to.  That is a song from “The Jungle Book” and is easily found on YouTube.

How many bare necessities do we have?  The interesting fact is that there are relatively few bare necessities but they are all pretty expensive!  So take off money to cover all of them.

What’s Left?



Treats to ourselves!

Fun activities!

These lists should be fun to make.  What is an extra, what is a treat, what is a luxury, and what is a fun activity?

We would like online casino gaming to go on the fun activities list!

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One Sure Fire Way to Stretch a Gaming Budget

We would like to suggest that you save a specified percentage of every winning hand or spin!  This is money that you have won and that you will not use to play with. It is pure savings!

A lot of gamers mix their winnings with their overall bankroll.  Instead, we suggest letting your bankroll decrease whenever you have a winning hand or spin by the percentage you have designated for your “gaming savings account”!

This simple technique stretches your gaming budget by earmarking some of it for savings!  By doing this simple act of saving, you will naturally want to do everything you can to maximize winning.  This means following another set of good gaming practices and money management principles.

Do I Have to Prioritize Again?

Well, yes you do!

We prioritize every day in innumerable ways.  Ask yourself: How much is a dollar worth?  These days, a dollar is not worth much.  So, how much are $100 dollars worth?  Now we are getting into an area that most people find challenging.

A hundred dollars for a dress for a wedding may be reasonable but the same amount for a single meal in a restaurant would normally be classified under “luxuries”.

How much is a reasonable amount to earmark for online casino gaming?  Here we get into the fascinating area of budgeting for gambling at a land-based casino!  If you play only at an online casino, such as Jackpot Capital, all of the cost of a trip to a land-based casino can go to other areas of interest and fun!

Empowerment is… Powerful!

Every decision you make regarding money management, be it at the casino or at the car dealership, is an individual decision.  Online gaming empowers gamers to find that happy medium between gaming and other activities.

The term empowerment has become a kind of political football in recent years but here it simply means that we can and should make good decisions for ourselves!

Staying Fit is Empowering

There are three main areas of fitness here and they all relate in different ways to sound money management.  We are talking about:

  1. Financial fitness
  2. Physical fitness
  3. Emotional fitness

Financial fitness is obvious.  We should never play online casino games for real money with money that we should have earmarked for a necessity.  Casino gaming is a treat, it is a fun activity, it might even be a luxury but it is almost never a bare necessity!

Physical fitness is achieved by taking the time to get in shape and stay in shape.  This is time that we cannot spend gaming!  Sound money management tells us that no amount of dollars is worth foregoing the work we need to do to get in shape and stay in shape.

A secondary side to this discussion is that if we are physically fit, we have money that we don’t need to spend on doctors and medications, money that we can then earmark for fun activities!

Emotional fitness refers to staying calm in the face of adversity.  Even gaming presents us with adversity from time to time.  We have winning streaks and we have losing streaks.

Losing streaks present a unique challenge to our emotional fitness.  If we budget 120 minutes for a gaming session and have a long losing streak in the first few minutes, it would be difficult to quit the session.  But if we budget 30-60 minutes for gaming and have the same losing streak, it would be much easier to stop for the day!  In this way, emotional fitness connects directly with sound money management!

Like a Small Boat on the Ocean

When we practice sound money management in one area such as online casino gaming, it extends outward in expanding concentric circles to include other areas.

Sound money management, like maintaining good health and healthy relationships allows us all to have fun without any prevarication!  We are in a completely calm state of mind.

Having achieved that state of mind, online casino gaming becomes one of many ways to pass the time, have a great time, and enjoy ourselves.

For the best in online casino gaming, JOIN JACKPOT CAPITAL CASINO NOW!

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