We know you’ve been preparing yourself and making plans for the Christmas shopping season, but did you know that we’ll be offering holiday deals and Bonuses at Jackpot Capital, too? So focused are we on providing you with the best deals this month, that we’ve even named our Theme of the Month in line with the holiday shopping spirit - Steal of a Deal! We’re only mentioning this now so that you can include the offers we’ve prepared for you in your early holiday shopping plans, offers such as our Thanksgiving Feast of Free Spins, available to you between November 19th - 22nd, or our Black Friday Bonus Blowout, redeemable between November 23rd - 25th! Keep reading to find out more about these “Steal of a Deal” offers and in the meanwhile, learn about some Black Friday holiday history…
“In the Black” since 1962
Celebrated annually on the day following Thanksgiving, Black Friday has been considered the opening of the Christmas shopping season all across the United States since 1952. This day marks not only the opening of a new shopping season, but - being the busiest shopping day of the year - it somehow marks and represents the entire idea of shopping! The term “Black Friday” - an informal name for this unofficial holiday - has been enjoying the mainstream popularity it does today since the early 2000s.
While it (still) isn’t an official, federal holiday, some states do consider it a public holiday. Additionally, many people tend to take a day of their annual leave and connect Thanksgiving with the weekend following Black Friday, thus creating themselves a little 4 day vacation. That’s exactly why we too have made these Black Friday steal of a deal Bonus offers begin right after our Thanksgiving Bonus offers end! This way you’ve got 6 days of seasonal Bonuses…
So what about the name, Black Friday - how did that come to be? Well, there are currently two different theories. The first is that the name arose from the black marks made by heavy traffic - more specifically the wheels of cars and other vehicles - left on the road surface on the Fridays after Thanksgiving. The second theory is that it comes from a time when recording business accounts used the colors red and black to color their losses and profits. Since many businesses, especially smaller ones, often started making their first profits - their first black colored recordings - before Christmas, they named the day Black Friday.
The coining of the term took place in 1961, in Philadelphia, and now that we’ve even got a Black Friday Bonus Blowout at Jackpot Capital, we think it’s pretty safe to say that the name’s here to stay! Speaking of those Bonuses - fancy hearing more? Just read on and discover our Steal of a Deal offers!
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Steal This Bonus Deal!
First, for Thanksgiving, we’re hosting a very special dinner - a Feast of Free Spins! Join us between November 19th - 22nd and discover 4 different Thanksgiving Bonuses (Yum - Turkey Bonus, Mashed Potatoes Bonus, Cranberry Sauce Bonus and Pumpkin Pie Bonus)! Each of them will involve Free Spins on a different slot, the slots being Hen House, Texan Tycoon, Sweet 16 and La Bamba. Once a day, for as long as the promotion is valid, we’ll be uncovering these Bonuses on one of the Jackpot Capital platforms, which consist of our Blog, Message Center and your very own email inbox.
Then, starting as soon as the day on which our Thanksgiving Bonuses end, we’ve got the beginning of our Black Friday Bonus Blowout. Here you’ll be able to enjoy some Steal of a Deal Bonuses at any time between November 23rd - 25th. Unlike with other Black Friday sales, we’ve prepared more than enough Bonuses for everyone - meaning that you won’t need to line up anywhere nor wake up early in the morning… Simply join us between these dates and steal this deal!
Like the idea of cashing in with us? Then you might want to try playing our online RTG slot, Cash Bandits or Cash Bandits II and stealing away some wins! Don’t worry if this isn’t your type of game, though, because we’ve surely got something that is… You can check out all the Games we have on offer by visiting our Games page and remember that we’ve got ongoing Promotions and Bonuses on offer at all times! Join us at Jackpot Capital this November for this unreal Thanksgiving Bonus Feast and heal yourself the following day with our Black Friday Bonus Blowout…
Grab a Bonus!