the earth from space with 5G written above it

How Will 5G Technology Affect Online Casino Gaming?

Now that the corona virus pandemic seems to be waning if not completely winding down, we can all get back to thinking about the things we were thinking about a few months ago!  One question that was on many people’s mind was what the impact of the new 5G technology might be on mobile jackpot casino gaming.

And She’ll Have Fun, Fun, Fun ‘til Her Daddy Takes Her T-Bird Away

The two key elements in 5G technology are network connectivity and speed.  The term 5G stands for fifth generation wireless technology.  All of the poles that go up around the world that connect telephones to each other and the internet digitally to your mobile device, send wireless signals from device to device.

We Already Take Wireless Technology in Stride

When you play at Jackpot Capital online casino via our mobile gaming platform, you are using wireless communication technology.  We suspect that not even one person in a thousand understands how wireless technology actually works but everyone can accept that it does work!

Many people have upgraded their cellular phones or other mobile devices simply because the old one was using 3G technology and the new one would use 4G technology.  We quickly forgot how different each generation of wireless technology was from the previous generation.

The second generation added improvements in voice, the next generation added data which enabled mobile devices to access the internet, and the fourth generation added streaming.  Streaming made it possible to download applications to a smartphone.  The term applications quickly was shortened to apps and at this time there are thousands of apps available.

Many people have mobile devices that are strong enough to handle 100 apps or more.  Still, the apps era has been with us only a few years and we act as if it has always been with us!

The difference between 3G and 4G as far as gaming at Jackpot Capital casino is concerned is primarily in the speed with which the games play.  5G technology will increase game speed by a phenomenal degree, some say by as much as 20 times faster!

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Is Faster Game Play a Good Thing?

It could be that we have already reached the limits of game speed in the 4G technology most mobile devices now use.  After all, if the blackjack game you are playing becomes twice as fast, will it be comfortable for you to play?  If not then a 20x increase in game speed is ridiculously too fast!

We have to find out exactly what the optimum game speed is for online casino games.  After all, few people complain that the blackjack, craps, or roulette at land based casinos are too slow!  So 5G technology may have little impact on the speed of online gaming.

Graphics Will Not Be Affected

The technology that creates innovation in graphics will not be affected.  However, there are many companies all over the world that are working on the next generation of online graphics. 

It isn’t just online casinos that use graphics technology.  Everything that goes on the internet uses graphics in one form or another.  We have all opened a website that was uncomfortable to look at.  That is because they had not yet upgraded their interface with the most recent generation of computer graphics.

Online casinos don’t have the luxury of waiting for another generation of graphics to come along before we upgrade our presentation to the gaming public.  Our game developer, Real Time Gaming, also incorporates every new wrinkle in graphics, animation, and sound in their games, especially slots.

So when we bring out a new slot every month, you can be sure that the game will be using the state of the art graphics available at that moment.

Networking Will Be Affected

The new technology will make it much easier for people to network quickly over long distances.  This will have a profound effect on business communication and it will enable online casinos to bring people together from all over the world.

There already are some interactive games at Jackpot Capital.  Fish Catch is a super fun game that you can play “in competition” with others.  We may not know exactly how 5G will increase the ability of gamers to play together, competitively or not, but we do know that the increased speed of communications will create opportunities for a lot more interaction between gamers.

Downloads will Be Much Faster

It is almost unbelievable when people talk about a download that previously took many minutes—not exactly a long time but long in the eyes of entire generations of people used to instant gratification—will take mere seconds with 5G technology. 

As mobile devices become more powerful with exponentially more memory and as 5G technology affects speed in a positive way, we might find that most gamers will download the mobile app and may become mobile casino gamers.

We may also find that gamers who still prefer playing on their desktop computer will decide to download the casino to their hard drive, first because the download will be extraordinarily fast and, second, because new generations of desktop computers will be exponentially more powerful, with amazing memory and storage capacity, to make downloading the casino preferable to playing on the instant play platform.

5G Requires New Infrastructure

One major drawback of the 5G technology is that it will require new wireless communication poles.  The poles already up cover signals that can travel long distances.  5G technology requires many communication poles that can enable the signals to travel quickly but over much shorter distances.

So, it could be quite some time before governments have the financial ability to put up all of the new communication poles that 5G technology will need.  Especially now, in the aftermath of the massive financial hit so many countries have taken from the corona virus, it might be quite a while before governments are willing and able to make the investment in infrastructure that 5G will require.

Add to that the money governments need to repair and rebuild existing infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and so on, the time frame for full worldwide implementation of 5G technology may be measured in many years!

5G is No More Dangerous than 4G

There has been a lot of talk about how dangerous 5G technology will be.  We simply don’t know how dangerous 4G technology is but everyone uses 4G technology!  At this time, we are being assured that the danger from 5G technology will be the same as the danger from 4G technology which means that we don’t really know the danger that 5G will pose.

And in the End…

The Beatles had it right: The love you take is equal to the love you make.  5G technology may come and go as we work our way inexorably to 10G technology! 

So, let’s welcome the new technology, let’s get as much out of it as we can, let’s not worry excessively about what it might do to us years down the road, and let’s realize that technology always changes and improves.

Online gaming at Jackpot Capital will also continue to get better as everything we do from games to promotions to customer service will continue to improve.  You can always count on Jackpot Capital to be in the forefront of all new innovations that impact online gaming, our casino, and our loyal gamers!

Happy Gaming!

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