Poker, Roulette and Black Jack have been part of our lives for hundreds of years and with that kind of history, the media are bound to follow. Whether through film, song or the written word, we are all intrigued by the fun, diverse and sometimes dark history casino games have had. Some of my all time favourite films have been casino based, mainly due to them either being edge of your seat thrillers or so funny that you have to watch them again and again. So here are my top picks for casino based films that have to be watched to be believed!

21 (2008)

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I have chosen 21 first on this list for the ease of watching and the great acting from Kevin Spacey and Laurence Fishbourne. This film is based on a true story of MIT students who take on the world of Black Jack by learning how to read cards. Needless to say, this doesn’t go down well with the casinos they visit and I won’t tell you the end, but it will be nail biting! This is the perfect introduction to the history of Black Jack, firstly because it actually happened but also because it doesn’t pretend to be anything but a film about the darker side of casino history. Intrigued? Watch the trailer here.

Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels (1998)

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The USA has a long history with casinos and the games they involve, but so does the UK, although it’s not as well known. So for my second choice I have picked a classic British film that portrays the world of high stakes poker in a dark comedic way. The film centres on a group of young, high stake poker players who manage to lose £50,000 pounds in one mammoth Poker match! The issue is they lose the money to a mobster and when they can’t pay up he gets a little angry. The film depicts their journey to try and get the money in weird and wonderful ways. The perfect film if you love to mix comedy and thrillers together. Find out more here.

Honeymoon in Vegas (1992)

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From British Humour to classic American in this fast paced romantic comedy starring Nicholas Cage. The general synopsis follows a young man who is afraid of commitment to his girlfriend. She desperately wants to go to Las Vegas to get married and he reluctantly agrees, but his fear grabs hold and he persuades a master Poker player to rig a match where he will lose all his wedding money and he even goes as far as throwing in a weekend with his girlfriend! Of course he loses, but like many romantic comedies, once he loses his girlfriend he realises what he had and goes on a quest to win her back. This film portrays the fun side of Las Vegas with ease and is perfect for some light viewing! Watch the trailer to find out more.

Casino Royale (2006)

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I couldn’t not mention this film, the Poker scene in itself has to be the deadliest Poker match ever played! Daniel Craigs first appearance as James Bond is the perfect balance between a classic gadget fuelled, Bond film and a dark look at the world of High Stakes Poker! I won’t tell you the full story, but the main emphasis of this film surrounds a single Poker match that has to be seen to be believed! Watch the scene here.

Croupier (1998)

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A thriller with twists and turns at every corner, Croupier is a realistic look at the life of a casino worker. Clive Owens performance as a writer who takes a job in a casino to pay the bills, is one in a million and he keeps you on the edge of your seat all the way through. This is a love story, a gambling story and ultimately a crime film, with the main protagonist making some huge mistakes within the casino that ultimately determine his fate. A must see film in my opinion and it was certainly tipped as one of Owens best performances. Watch the trailer and see what you think.

Other films not mentioned, but worth a watch are ‘The Hangover’, ‘Casino’ and ‘Snatch’.