Having never played online casino games before, Jackpot Capital Casino was an easy way to learn and gave me hours of enjoyment. The option to play games for free was a great help when just starting out, the risk of losing money when you don’t know what to do is frightening. The games are easy to play and there is no risk of being out of pocket!

Even though games like roulette and slots are easy to play, they are also easy to lose… as a newbie to gambling, the risk doesn’t seem worth it, but playing for free allowed me to enjoy the games in a safe, money free environment. The bonus to playing for free is learning how to play casino games at my own pace. Poker has always been a scary thought in real life casinos, but with Jackpot City Casino, it is easy to pick up and pretty soon, I became an online “expert”. When you are playing with real money there is always the restrain to play it safe, but with free plays, placing higher bets just adds to the excitement of the game. There is no better feeling than winning, even if it is not real money.

After playing on my own, I connected the website to my Facebook account. This allowed me to play against friends and make the games more interesting. The social side of the games is what makes it more realistic, this way competing and chatting with friends made playing online casino games more challenging and fun.

Blackjack is a personal favourite to play online, the game is fast paced and exciting and a great way to understand betting and pay outs. Playing online takes away the pressure of making decisions and it is effortless to take a big risk when real money is not involved. A great feature with Jackpot Capital is the playing on my mobile. I am always on the move and it is just as easy as when playing on a desktop. With mobile play, I can play on the train or bus which is a huge help because I am always on the move, and with over 400 games to choose from, journeys to and from work are anything but dull.

Online casino games might seem daunting, especially when the stakes are high, but playing for free takes away any stresses and just lets you play for fun, it’s a great way to spend a spare hour and escape from real life.