Jackpot Capital Online Casino Offers Login Advice to New Gamers

What Does a Gamer Get with the Jackpot Capital Login?

We believe that the Jackpot Capital login is more than just a key that opens a door.  We think of the login as the key that opens the game vault!

We would like to talk about what Jackpot Capital online casino offers gamers who have signed up to play and have chosen their login.  First, however, we would like to talk a bit about how to choose a login and how to use the login to help us protect your money at the casino.

How to Choose a Good Login

First, we have to look at the login as a password.  It is a password in every sense of the term!  Just as we are advised to choose passwords carefully, we should also choose the Jackpot Capital casino login carefully.

When we googled “How to choose a good password” we got a huge number of responses.  There is so much good information on this subject - we especially liked what the impartial Boston University had to say on the matter - check it out.

Passwords that are Easy to Remember are Easy to Crack

According to the site, the five most common passwords are:

  1. 123456
  2. 123456789
  3. Qwerty
  4. Password
  5. 4234567

What Should a Safe Password Look Like?

It should have at least 5 characters.  It should have both upper case and lower case letters.  It should have at least one number.  It should avoid anything that a serious hacker might find out about you from your social media fingerprint.

Serious hackers roam social media for insights into people who are unaware that they are being researched.  As social media users, we leave a great deal of information about who we are, what we like, and much more on the various social media platforms we use.

Here are a few more ideas of things to avoid when choosing a login:

  1. Never use a family member’s name or nickname in the login.
  2. Never use life cycle dates or events.
  3. Never use addresses or phone numbers.
  4. Never use a friend’s nickname.
  5. Never use a company’s name.
  6. Never use a reference to your favorite sports team, athlete, music, game, cuisine or restaurant, book, or anything else you might have mentioned once on social media.

Won’t that Make the Login Hard to Remember?

It might.  And since you will probably be playing at different locations on your laptop or even more likely on your mobile device, you should incorporate a few memory tips in order to remember the login.

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One memory tip is to use a rhyme as a key to remembering.  The rhyme should be obscure.  We feel that the best way to remember a password is simply to use it!  Your Jackpot Capital login is a great password for frequent use and easy remembering as a result.

We encourage gamers to play often for a short, budgeted period of time.  We repeat this often because it is so different than the average person’s experience at a land based casino where most people play on for a very long time bypassing sleep and meals for more “action”.

We encourage gamers to seek entertainment rather than action and relaxation instead of the high pressure environment that players find in a land based casino.

I Have So Many Passwords

Every password should be different than all of the others.  You should mix up the letter and number sequence.  We suggest keeping a book with all of your passwords.  You would be amazed at how many passwords you actually have!

Now, you also need to keep this book in an obscure place where no one who you don’t want to find it might find it!  You should take it with you on trips and in your carry-on bag if you are flying.  If you mix your password combinations, you can never remember them all!  That’s why you need a book of passwords.

Jackpot Capital Offers a Lot More than Login Advice

Gamers at Jackpot Capital have hundreds of games at their fingertips.  You can go from game to game whenever you wish to do so since everything is right there is the data base!

You Mean I Can Play More than One Game?

Many gamers who came to jackpot Capital for the first time when the land based casinos were sidelined by that unmentionable virus discovered to their amazement that they could play several games in a single gaming session without giving up their seat!

The Joy of Variation

Since we are located in cyberspace, we can offer many variations of blackjack.  Blackjack tables take up a lot of space at land based casinos so they usually offer one or two blackjack games.

We offer three Caribbean Poker games.  As many players as want to play these fun and exciting games can play them at Jackpot Capital while many land based casinos don’t even offer Caribbean Poker at all much less all three.  This is another example of the restrictions of space that all land based casinos have to contend with all the time.

Promotions Galore

We offer at last count nine different promotions.  As you might expect, that averages out to a promotion almost every day.  We also have a VIP Club for gamers who qualify.

Safe and Secure Banking

We use encryption software to make it next to impossible to hack your data and assets.

Friendly Customer Service

Our customer service office never closes.  We train our reps to handle almost anything that comes up.

Sign up to Play and Get Your Unique Login

Jackpot Capital casino has worked hard for many years to be recognized within the online casino community and with gamers as a reputable and fair online casino.  We try to teach gamers the subtleties as well as the many obvious points of casino gaming.

So, if you aren’t a member of our community yet we encourage you to JOIN NOW!


Why is it so Important to Have a Hard to Crack Login?

Your login to Jackpot Capital allows you to play our games and it also gives you access to your casino account.  A hacker could ask to withdraw your money.  He or she could redeem all of your accumulated comp points.

Is an Obscure Password Foolproof?

Unfortunately, the hackers of the world are getting better at it than ever before.  So, we have to redouble our efforts to keep your money and personal information secret.  As such, an obscure login/password is vital even if it isn’t foolproof.

Think about it as a lock on your front door.  A lock that is easy to pick is like a password that is easy to hack and a lock that has several chambers is like an obscure login.  Not foolproof but very, very important!

Why Do You Say that Using the Jackpot Capital Login is Like Opening the Vault?

Just as a vault in a bank has a lot of money and other valuables, there is a wealth of gaming fun and excitement at Jackpot Capital.  All you need to experience that fun and excitement is the login.

Why Does Jackpot Capital Encourage Short, Frequent Gaming Sessions?

This points to a major difference between online casino gaming and land based casino gambling.  We encourage short sessions since we feel that most of our gamers play for fun, a bit of a thrill, to relax at the end of a long day, and as an entertainment.

Land based casinos talk about the entire casino complex as an entertainment source.  In response to this, we talk about gaming online and taking “real vacations”. If you want an amusement park, there are many that you can build a great family vacation around without the casino.

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